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Marino's Golf

How to make the putts you know you should make
One of the biggest issues in missing the short ones is having an active lower body. The hips, legs and feet should be as still as...
19 jun 20191 Min. de lectura
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Step-by-step: Curing the shanks
Holy shank! Don’t let one bad shot become an epidemic Hitting just one shank can put fear in your mind that another’s on its way, and...
30 sept 20181 Min. de lectura
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Hit the gas to improve pitching accuracy
Think miles per hour from inside 100 yards The most common way golfers are told to regulate distance on pitch shots is to vary the length...
14 nov 20171 Min. de lectura
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Fat-proof pitching: Stop duffing the short shots
There’s something about shots from 30 to 60 yards that give a lot of golfers fits. The biggest problem is making a backswing that’s too...
22 ago 20171 Min. de lectura
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How to punch your way to freedom
There are times when an oflf-line shot puts you in a place where all you can do is hit. the ball low and advance it to a better position....
9 dic 20161 Min. de lectura
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Push out your hands
Unfortunately, that thought can lead to all sorts of tension. Instead of thinking about your left arm staying straight on the backswing,...
17 ene 20151 Min. de lectura
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Tips to prevent golf’s nightmare shot
Nothing sets panic into a golfer’s mind like a case of the shanks. But there’s no great mystery around why they occur. When you make...
8 ene 20151 Min. de lectura
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Perfect blasts from the sand
To improve your sand play, you need to keep considerable flex in your knees through impact. One way to ensure you stay flexed is to grip...
26 nov 20141 Min. de lectura
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How to escape your horrendous lies
IN THE WATER (1) Is at least half of the ball above the water? (2) Do I have a pair of rainpants to slip on? If you answer no to either...
21 ago 20141 Min. de lectura
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How to escape your horrendous lies
FROM THE UNDERBRUSH Use a wedge or 9-iron, and grip down an inch for control. Here’s the key: Hover the clubhead at the ball’s height. If...
21 ago 20141 Min. de lectura
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31 ene 20140 Min. de lectura
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Learn to repeat your putting stroke
Ideally, you want your hands and arms working in unison with your chest and shoulders to control the putter’s motion and keep the face...
16 ene 20141 Min. de lectura
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Learn the proper weight shift
Computer testing of elite players show the ideal pattern: The weight shifts toward the front of the left foot as they start the downswing...
29 ago 20131 Min. de lectura
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5 mar 20130 Min. de lectura
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The secret to lagging
Try this tip for distance control: Take your normal putting stance, but switch to your full-swing grip. This will give you more wrist...
8 ene 20131 Min. de lectura
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The power pivot
As you swing down and shift to your front side, your right knee should begin to turn inward, toward the target, and get closer to your...
1 ago 20121 Min. de lectura
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21 jul 20120 Min. de lectura
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Power from a better shift
Many amateurs slide their hips too much toward the target coming down; this inhibits their ability to rotate, leading to inconsistent...
21 feb 20121 Min. de lectura
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Stretch out your drives
Try this drill: Grab a towel with your hands about a foot apart as shown and stretch the towel tight as you simulate your backswing and...
16 feb 20121 Min. de lectura
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24 ene 20120 Min. de lectura
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