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Foto del escritorE2Marino

How to punch your way to freedom

There are times when an oflf-line shot puts you in a place where all you can do is hit. the ball low and advance it to a better position.

In these situations. you need the punch shot. It’s smart, user-friendly and can eat up a good chunk of yardage toward the green. Just remember one thing: To use it reliably, you have to practice this shot.

1.- Use less loft.

Select a longer iron tan normal, like a 6 iron where you might havee chosen an 8 iron. But be careful not to choose a club that might hit the ball too low to carry whatever is betweeb you and the fairway.

2.- Grip down

Even with Iess-lofted club, you can hit it too high and catch a low- hanging branch. To avoid that, grip down a couple inches and play the ball about middle in your stance. That’ll keep the flight down.

3.- Keep it short

You don’t need the extra power that cames from a full backswing. You do need to swing in control and make solid contact. Try not to take the club back any farther than the point where your left arm is parallel to the ground.

4.- Finish low

The hands should lead the clubhead through impact. Once you strike the ball, the punch swing is almost over. A low finish produces a lower-shot-one that just might get you back in position to sabe par.

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