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Marino's Golf

10 mar 20191 Min. de lectura
String theory
Using this simple homemade device can pay great dividends on the green. If you’re struggling with your line — and contact — when putting,...
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1 ene 20191 Min. de lectura
Practicing like the pros
Improve how you practice, and you won’t have to spend hours on the range f course tour players spend a lot of time practicing—hours a day...
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1 ene 20192 Min. de lectura
How to defuse a Blow-Up hole
Start by developing temporary amnesia One of the reasons is that golfers often give these holes higher regard than all others. They...
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17 oct 20182 Min. de lectura
4 Reasons why you slice the ball
If you often hit a slice there will be 4 reasons why you do this. Poor setup would be the number 1 reason why golfers slice the ball!...
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30 sept 20181 Min. de lectura
Step-by-step: Curing the shanks
Holy shank! Don’t let one bad shot become an epidemic Hitting just one shank can put fear in your mind that another’s on its way, and...
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21 sept 20181 Min. de lectura
Are you gripping the club incorrectly? Here’s a quick way to check
Does your golf glove look like it just came out of the oven? Is it especially frayed and worn near the bottom? If so, you’re gripping the...
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7 jul 20181 Min. de lectura
How to handle tee shots with trouble down the right side
If the hole demands driver, start by teeing your ball up on the right side of the tee box. This will open up your vision of the left side...
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25 jun 20181 Min. de lectura
Pick up driver speed: Think pull instead of push
When it comes to power, there’s an epidemic of misapplied force that is ruining thousands of swings every day. It’s a basic piece of...
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24 jun 20181 Min. de lectura
Why "Keeping your head down" Is killing your swing
The head rotates in a tour-pro follow-through Well, maybe, but that isn’t why most shots are topped. In fact, a lot of times it’s the...
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5 jun 20182 Min. de lectura
Want to shape shots like the pros? Here’s how to do it on command
Tour players don’t like to discuss how they shape shots. They simply shape them, whether it’s by "thinking" fade or, maybe, "feeling" a...
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22 may 20182 Min. de lectura
Hit darts your fairway woods
You’ve made high-lofted fairway woods and hybrids your primary tools for approach shots, and why not: They’re easier to hit longer and...
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18 may 20181 Min. de lectura
Skill around the green
Most golfers get caught up in all the details of the shot—the carry, the roll, trouble over the green—and they forget that hitting the...
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18 may 20181 Min. de lectura
Get the most out of your hybrid
How to use it from the rough I The second adjustment you need to make is to play the ball in the center of your stance. The tendency is...
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18 may 20182 Min. de lectura
The golf swing in two movies
So much of golf instruction is this position, that position, it’s sometimes good to clear your head and think in broader terms. Put...
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30 abr 20181 Min. de lectura
4 Do’s and Don’ts for Power
With help from a long drive specialist, follow these 4 do’s and don’ts for generating power in your swing. #1: HIP TURN DON’T: As you can...
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16 ene 20181 Min. de lectura
Putting Drill: Improve your putting touch with this simple drill
Your goal for the next ball is to get it as close to the first ball as possible while leaving it short of it. Repeat that task for each...
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13 ene 20181 Min. de lectura
Slicers: Try to Hook It
Maybe you only sometimes hit that big slider to the right off the tee, or maybe you fear it every time you step up. Whatever the case, a...
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14 nov 20171 Min. de lectura
When it fits your eye: let the shot hppen
Well, you have to be careful, because the situation is tempting you to hit the hero shot. If you’re a fade player, you look at a...
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14 nov 20171 Min. de lectura
Uphill drives: set up a high launch
It’s true, you want to create more carry on uphill shots, but you have to do it the right way. Take your normal address (left), then move...
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14 nov 20171 Min. de lectura
Short holes: swing to a distance
The trick on these holes is to drive the ball to your favorite wedge yardage. For some players, it’s a full wedge, like 110 yards, or a...
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