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Marino's Golf
5 dic 20121 Min. de lectura
a new bunker setup
Your left leg should be bent, and you should feel a lot of pressure in that thigh muscle. When you swing, maintain that feeling of...
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29 nov 20121 Min. de lectura
Quick slice fixes
If the ball is too far ahead, your shoulders tend to move open to the target, which leads to an out-to-in swing and a slice. And if...
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29 nov 20121 Min. de lectura
Don’t reach for the ball
Gripping the club and extending their arms stiffly leads to tension in their shoulders and an out-to-in swing path that promotes a slice....
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18 nov 20121 Min. de lectura
Hit it solid every time
Think about your lower body shifting toward the target as you start down and turning your hips to get your weight to your front foot. ...
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13 nov 20121 Min. de lectura
Be aggresive inside 100 yards
You stand slightly open with your feet close together, and play the ball off your back foot. Then you take your 64-degree wedge and just...
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1 nov 20121 Min. de lectura
Driver consistency
When you swing, try to feel as if you are returning your left hand to that spot at impact, so it faces the target again . If you...
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16 oct 20121 Min. de lectura
Pitch with your body
For consistency, put your big muscles in control Precision Pitching: focus on turning your body through, never on hitting with your...
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16 oct 20121 Min. de lectura
Eliminate all chunks
You’ll catch it flush and hit a little fade.
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11 oct 20121 Min. de lectura
Every putt is straight
Here’s what you do wrong on breaking putts: You might read the right amount of break, but when you get over the ball, you look at the...
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5 oct 20121 Min. de lectura
Firm wrists for power
Developing that sense comes from being set at the top of ypur backswing, thinking that your hands are in control of the club. The...
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29 sept 20121 Min. de lectura
Match up your swing
When you feel pressure on tee shots, you’ll tend to swing out of sync. You might be too fast off the ball, or yank the club down from the...
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12 sept 20121 Min. de lectura
3 keys to beat the wind
For a middle iron, start by moving the ball back of center, making sure you keep the face square. you also stand an inch closer to the...
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30 ago 20121 Min. de lectura
Shift and strike
A good visual is a clock face. If the "6" on the bottom of the clock represents your ball position at address and is directly below your...
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23 ago 20121 Min. de lectura
Easy hook fix
To prevent the face from shutting at impact, you must keep turning. Let your chest and hips rotate forward until your shirt buttons and...
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14 ago 20121 Min. de lectura
The only two putts to practice
When You are working on your game, You hit only two kinds of putts: those you think you are going to make and really long ones. You...
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1 ago 20121 Min. de lectura
The power pivot
As you swing down and shift to your front side, your right knee should begin to turn inward, toward the target, and get closer to your...
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24 jul 20121 Min. de lectura
How to spin a wedge
Backspin comes from hitting the ball cleanly, then taking a divot after impact. The biggest mistake is trying to pounce down on the ball....
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