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Marino's Golf
29 oct 20101 Min. de lectura
Wrist asessment
Maintain the angle. The position of your left wrist at address should be the same at the top of the hackswing.
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29 oct 20101 Min. de lectura
Hit chips with autority
At impact Keep your chest and body turning through the ball to promote a consistent and authoritative strike. If there is one thing with...
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28 oct 20102 Min. de lectura
Tee box choices
It should be something to do with the hole you are on. Spend some time and think about the hole. How long? Straight or dog leg? Water?...
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28 oct 20101 Min. de lectura
Putting tips for long and medium range putts
If the ball is too far back, the hands may get ahead ataddress and this can lead to a downward strike on the ball producing backspin and...
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28 oct 20101 Min. de lectura
Putting tip, for dropping in those long putts
Having decided on the proper target line, pick a spot along the line a few feet in front of your golf ball and aim for that. Once your...
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28 oct 20101 Min. de lectura
Putt like a pendulum
Your arms and shoulders should form a triangle that moves in unison during your back swing and stroke-much like a pendulum. Just slide...
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28 oct 20101 Min. de lectura
Contacting the ball with the putter
The latter reacts to any irregularity of the green, but the ball hit a midships rolls over most green imperfections without losing its...
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27 oct 20101 Min. de lectura
Steep lip fairway bunker
Use a more level swing to help maintain the distance of the shot and to utilize the natural loft of the club. Use a middle iron, hybrid,...
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21 oct 20101 Min. de lectura
Getting out of the bunker with panache
If you’ve been playing golf for a long time, maybe by now you’ve mastered the bunker shot. But if you’re still having trouble with it,...
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19 oct 20102 Min. de lectura
Green side trap shot
Sand trap shots: Green side trap shots can be intimidating, but they need not be. The modern trap shot involves making a shallow ½ inch...
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19 oct 20101 Min. de lectura
Time the snap
The most significant result of this move was the creation of additional wrist hinging on the downswing, just as there’s additional bend...
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19 oct 20101 Min. de lectura
Drawing woes
This will create a natural tendency to come across the ball, in turn creating a counter clockwise spin. Take a few normal swings to see...
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19 oct 20101 Min. de lectura
A comfortable stance
Try standing with your feet shoulder width apart, slightly bending your knees so that you are nice and comfortable. Next bend over at the...
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16 oct 20101 Min. de lectura
The line to spot putter
When you read your putt from behind the ball, visually track the line from your ball toward the hole. Then choose an intermediate target...
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16 oct 20101 Min. de lectura
The spot putter
What he sees How to practice it When the “spot putter” reads his putt, he identifies a spot (a spike mark, discoloration of the green or...
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