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Foto del escritorE2Marino

The line to spot putter

When the “line-to-spot putter” reads his putt from behind the hole, he sees a line going from the ball to the hole. When he stands over the ball, he sees a straight line extending down his target line that ends at a spot where he wants his ball to finish. He holds a picture of the spot as he strokes his putt.

When you read your putt from behind the ball, visually track the line from your ball toward the hole. Then choose an intermediate target on your line four to five inches in front of your ball. Aim the brand’s logo or a line on your ball at that intermediate target.

When you stand over the ball, adjust your setup until it visually appears that the line drawn on your ball goes right through your intermediate target. Visually continue to extend that line to a spot that’s the same distance you want your ball to roll. Adjust the spot accordingly to control your speed for uphill and downhill putts. line to spot putter

Chosen an intermediate target and aimed yourball  at it. Now you rehearse your stroke and visualize the line extending from your ball to the hole.

Next, make sure your putter is aimed at the spot and your body is parallel to the target line.

Extend your target line through your intermediate target to a spot just beyond the hole (you putt’s a little uphill). Note how You are planning for it to break to the left.

Make a smooth stroke and hold your finish. Note how You haven’t peeked to see where yours ball’s heading. This one looks good!

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