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Marino's Golf
28 feb 20141 Min. de lectura
A great backswing check
That allows you to keep the clubface square through impact longer. When you’re bowed at the top and your hands are on the side of the...
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16 feb 20141 Min. de lectura
How to tend the flagstick
Ask the golfer whose ball is farthest away whether or not they want the flag tended. If they decline, pull the flag and lay it down on...
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16 feb 20141 Min. de lectura
How to rake a bunker
That means raking the area you hit, where you stood, where you walked, and even cleaning up the mess made by someone else. Rake the sand...
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16 feb 20141 Min. de lectura
How to mark your ball
Place the mark just behind your ball before picking up the ball. When it is your turn to putt, place the ball on the green in its...
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14 feb 20141 Min. de lectura
Hit more fairways
It’s an issue that starts a chain reaction of accuracy-wrecking, power-stealing swing mistakes. But it can easily be corrected. When the...
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16 ene 20141 Min. de lectura
Chip like you putt
A better way to chip is to get into your ideal impact position at address: weight toward the target, ball in the middle of your stance or...
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16 ene 20141 Min. de lectura
Learn to repeat your putting stroke
Ideally, you want your hands and arms working in unison with your chest and shoulders to control the putter’s motion and keep the face...
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10 ene 20141 Min. de lectura
Drive it a mile
Golf Digest Magazine
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10 ene 20141 Min. de lectura
Feet don’t matter
Golf Digest Magazine
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10 ene 20141 Min. de lectura
Resolutions you can actually keep
Walk whenever you can. Push/pull carts are fine. Unless you’re physically disabled, there’s no reason to ride in a golf cart. And if a...
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10 ene 20141 Min. de lectura
Power moves for more yards
If you’re looking for distance, commit this tip to memory: Your weight should move in the direction the club is swinging. Many amateurs...
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26 dic 20131 Min. de lectura
Beat the buried lie
SHORT SHOTS: Weaken your grip, open the face about 30 degrees, position the ball forward of center with your weight on the left foot and...
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19 dic 20131 Min. de lectura
Grove your first shot
Tie a towel on the end of your driver and make 10 or 15 full swings. It does two things: First, the weight of the towel makes your...
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13 dic 20131 Min. de lectura
Stop hitting it fat
The cause often is that the swing is out of sequence. When you get out of sync—say, an overactive lower body—you feel you are late with...
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6 dic 20131 Min. de lectura
How to play a trouble shot
Pick the club that will let you carry the hazard comfortably, and play a shot you hit consistently under normal conditions. Knowing the...
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29 nov 20131 Min. de lectura
Develop a steady putting stroke
To check if your lower body is stable, rest the grip of a wedge against your lead hip and roll some putts. With your attention on the...
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21 nov 20131 Min. de lectura
How to launch your 3-wood
Play the ball just inside the heel of your front foot. Then widen your stance so your back shoulder is significantly lower than your...
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