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Foto del escritorE2Marino

Tips & warnings

Look at your swing on a regular basis: Most digital cameras record videos so ask a fellow golfer to take a video from a side view and a back view. Save your video to check for consistency over time. A good chip shot will either go in the hole or stop about one foot past the hole (a short shot never goes in).

A good chip shot will either go in the hole or stop about one foot past the hole (a short shot never goes in).

Because a chip shot is not a full swing, determining and executing the correct swing length and swing speed is difficult.

You must have a good swing to intentionally hook, which may be tough for beginners.

Once a golfer hits a hook, he typically tries to prevent the next shot from curving to the left by swinging to the right (creating an inside-out swing path), but this makes the hook worse.

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