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Tips for the golf stance and aim

Many golfers already know that the feet, hips and shoulders should be pointing parallel to the target line in the stance however, many do not appreciate the importance of how the arms should hang from the shoulders. In a good stance the arms should hang naturally from the shoulders so that a line drawn across the forearms would also point parallel to the target.

  1. Many golfers who do not grip the club correctly would find this line distorted and aiming away from the target.

It is essential to check this aim. Take up your grip on the club – lift up the arms and make sure you could balance a tray of drinks across your arms.

If a tray could be balanced it means the arms are hanging in a neutral and correct position.

If a tray of drinks would fall off to the left, (in a right handed swing), the golfer is setting up to fade or slice the ball.

If a tray would fall off to the right, then the swing would be too inside to out and would probably result in a hook or draw.

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