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Foto del escritorE2Marino

The High-Face Bunker Shot

To hit a bunker shot over a high face (or high lip), there has to be enough soft sand under the ball to slide the wedge underneath through the shot. If there isn’t, play the safer shot and bail out over a lowered area of the bunker face. But if you can hit the shot, and the lie is good and the sand feels soft enough, play the ball forward in your stance and open the face to expose the bounce of the wedge. Finally, stand a little farther away from the ball than normal, as this will help make it easier to make a full swing with an inside-out path (a must-do to hold the face open through the hit). As you swing and clip the sand before and under the ball, it’s imperative you keep the clubface open (as it was at address) through the shot. If you close the face, you’ll reduce the loft, and the shot won’t make it over the high face. But with an open face at impact and an open face through the shot, you’ll see it’s a lot easier to pop the ball up and out of the sand.

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