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Foto del escritorE2Marino

The ball at your feet II

You can change the distance between your feet, i.e. the width of your stance, depending on the club you are using. Make sure though that you are properly balanced at all times. You can also change the position of the ball in relation to your feet. For woods and drivers your feet should be at their widest. And because of the length of these clubs you may need to stand up to 5 cm. further back when addressing the ball. Don’t forget that the longer the club the nearer the front foot (left for right handers) the ball should be. When playing medium or short irons place your feet about shoulder width apart and have the ball in the middle. If your feet are too far apart you won’t be able to turn your hips or shoulders properly but if they’re too close together you may fall over, which’ll make your partner laugh but won’t help your score. When playing really short wedge strokes get your feet close together to steepen the swing angle and create extra loft.

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