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Pitching Wedge Tips

Learning how to use the pitching wedge is one of the biggest keys to improving your score in golf. Wedge play is one of the dominant factor in the short game. You need to know how to hit the ball high from distances approaching 100 yards and land the ball softly and you also have to be creative with it in order to get the ball close to the hole. The gap wedge and the lob wedge are also pitching wedges that need to be mastered.

Pitching wedge

This is the club to use when you are 70 to 100 yards away from the hole. In order to hit a good pitching wedge shot from that distance, you must take a 3/4 to full swing and you need to hit down on the ball to make it go up. Hitting the pitching wedge with a sweeping motion will almost alway result in a shot that flies and bounces. You want your pitching wedge to land softly and stop quickly.

Gap wedge

Use the gap wedge when you are 50 to 70 yards away from the hole. This club will get the ball over obstacles such as trees or water hazards and should land the ball softly on the green. A well-struck gap wedge should land anywhere between 10-to-15 feet of the hole and give the golfer a great chance to make a par of birdie putt.

Lob wedge

The lob wedge has a loft angle between 56 and 60 degrees and is used for shots of 50 yards or less to the green. It is not meant for shots of any distance longer than that. The lob wedge will send the ball high in the air and land it softly within 8-to-12 feet of the hole. It takes significant practice to get used to this club but it can pay excellent dividends when struck correctly. A backswing to hip level and a high follow through is the formula for hitting this club correctly.

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