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Foto del escritorE2Marino

On tour it’s all about teamwork

You’Il discuss every shot with your caddie and you’ll be bringing all the relevant details into play. 1 Which way is the wind blowing and how will that affect club selection? 2 What’s in front of the green and what’s at the back? 3 Where is the pin located and is that close to the trouble or away from it?

HERE`S A GREAT TIP You may not have a caddie, but pretend your bag is your caddie and describe the shot you are going to hit BEFORE you play it. Tell the bag what you’re going to do, it’s a great way to focus your mind on the shot.

Pick a club At 180 yards, you might hit an 8, 6 or 4-iron, or even a hybrid. You need to take several factors into account before you decide.

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