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Foto del escritorE2Marino

Knoking a long bunker shot close

Long greenside sand shots are among the most difficult to master and typically require strong hamstring and glute muscles to stabilize the lower body, as well as powerful trunk rotation.

Forget all of that. If you want to land a 30-yard bunker shot close, leave your sand or lob wedge in the bag and hit the same exact shot with a 9-iron or similar.

That means you still have to open your stance and open the clubface before taking your grip. And you still have to hit about an inch or two behind the ball. And you still have to follow through with good trunk rotation.

You just don’t have to swing very hard. You can make an effortless stroke and the ball will jump out of the sand with some pretty good backspin.

One caveat: The ball will fly lower than normal so don’t attempt this shot if you’re dealing with a steep-face.

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