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Foto del escritorE2Marino

Keep the Loft for High and Soft

When you find yourself in a bunker with an extremely high lip or you have to hit to a tucked pin, you need to be able to hit it high and land it soft. To do this, it’s imperative to maintain the loft on your wedge. The tendency for most players is to try to scoop the ball out of the bunker, flipping their hands through impact. By flipping the right hand at impact, you usually close the clubface, getting rid of all your loft.

To hit this shot successfully, you need to feel like the loft on the club is maintained all the way through to the finish. You can check this by looking at the clubface after your finish. If the toe of the club is pointed at the sky, you have released the club too much and lost your loft. If the leading edge is pointed to the sky, you have maintained the loft and allowed the shot to come out high and soft.

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