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Foto del escritorE2Marino

How to hit solid iron shots

Hitting irons consistently is one of the many challenges of the game. Most high handicappers start the downswing by turning their body too quickly, which forces the swing plane into an outside to inside swing path and causing slices and pulls. Putting the club in the right position at the start of the downswing is the key to swinging an iron correctly to hit straighter and longer shots.

Begin the backswing by making a smooth take away and work the club back and up into position.

Begin the downswing by moving your upper body weight to the left. Once at the top of the swing, the key to the rest of the swing is to make a smooth transition into the downswing.

Push into the ground with your legs while your left hip pushes toward the target. You should feel as if your rear end is squatting into a chair while your upper body is moving laterally to the left. At this stage in the swing, avoid turning your hips.

Drop your hands and club straight down while your hips push laterally to the left. Your shoulders should not turn or open. Once your hands drop into the slot, resist the temptation to unhinge your wrist. By maintaining wrist hinge you create lag and store power for the impact.

Swing through the ball and allow the club to release and your body to turn through the shot from the slot position, after your hands have dropped into the pre-impact position and your upper body and hips have shifted and moved laterally to the left.

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