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Hole clutch putts

Matchplay is all about keeping momentum going and grinding your opponent into the ground.

So when you’ve got a putt for a half or for the win, you want to be hitting the ball a bit harder to make sure it gets to the hole. The worst thing you can do in that situation is leave a putt short. But make sure that you take however many putts you have to win a hole. In a medal you might still try and hole it but if you’ve got two putts to win, take them. I see amateurs hit their putts three feet short across the hole. What’s wrong with two feet past the hole?

STATIC BODY: Keeping the head still when you putt means you’ll strike the ball better. The shoulders will rock like a pendulum and create a consistent stroke. This also helps the body to stay still and not lift up.

READING GREENS: The pace you hit the putt affects the break the ball will take. Take less break when reading your putts because y ou want to be firm from this length. Allow for more break and less speed if you’ve got two putts for the hole.

GETTING A GLIMPSE: Every amateur I see looks up early as they strike the putt because they don’t trust their read or the speed of the greens. They almost try to guide it into the hole, whereas all good putters keep their head still through the ball because they trust their feel and have confidence in their stroke.

HIT THE SWEETSPOT: A lot of amateurs don’t realise the importance of striking putts out of the middle of the face. Striking putts out of the toe will create a slight draw spin and also deaden the strike slightly, meaning putts will miss short and left. To hit positive putts keep your head down through the ball.

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