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Foto del escritorE2Marino

Hitting in the right direction

Start by making sure you feel comfortable over the ball — that means feeling balanced. So take up your stance and then swing your arms around. Are your feet in control of your body? Now the golden rule (though there are no golden rules in golf as you’ll find out!) is that the face of the club should be pointed at the target unless you’re trying to play a hook or slice the ball.

Watch a pro when he’s about to take a shot. Pros tend to place the club on the ground before taking their stance. Try it yourself. Now the club should be square to your body — wherever you are in your backswing. Try stopping your club at a variety of positions in your swing to see where the head of the club is in relation to your body. For the greatest chance of playing an accurate shot the club head should be square to your body at all times. You can practice this at the driving range with a ball but also in your back garden (without a ball) — just halt your swing and check the club head position.

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