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Hit a Hybrid Pitching Wedge

A hybrid pitching edge is a versatile golf club. It is used for in-between distances, where the golfer is not close enough to the green to select a normal pitching wedge and still not far enough away to be tempted to use one of his irons. A hybrid club is also good if the golfer wants to keep the ball low after he has hit it. Whether it is a windy day or if the presence of trees has become a problem, the hybrid pitching wedge can be a useful tool in any golfer’s arsenal.

1.- Identify the correct time to use the hybrid pitching wedge. This club is usually perfect for distances just inside or just outside of 100 yards. Anywhere between 75 and 125 yards is the best time to select the hybrid pitching wedge.

2.- Stand 2 feet away from the ball when preparing for the correct golf stance. This can be more or less depending on how tall you are. The correct distance from the ball is one where you can stand straight up, hold out your right hand with the golf club gripped in it and be able to center the ball in the middle of the club face comfortably without having to reach.

3.-Stand with your legs a little more than shoulders-width apart. Some people like to stand exactly a shoulders-width apart, which is fine if you are comfortable with it, but standing slightly more than a shoulders-width apart gives you a more solid base and does not allow for unnecessary movements that can hinder your swing.

4.- Line the golf ball up so that it is slightly forward of the center of your stance. The perfect position is about 3 inches inside your front foot. This is done to give you the best opportunity to keep the ball straight. Too far back and you are more likely to slice it to the right, too far forward and you are more likely to shank it to the left. Hold the correct grip. This is done by interlocking your top hand’s index finger with your bottom hand’s pinky.

5.- Move your arms back gently away from the ball while keeping your front elbow locked. With a hybrid pitching wedge, the distance of your backswing depends on the distance away from the hole. You can bring it only half way back like a normal wedge or fully back, like a driver, depending on how far you want to hit the ball. Fluidly follow through as you strike the ball, always remembering to keep your head down.

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