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Golf Backswing Tips

The backswing in golf is one of the most overlooked areas of the golf swing, because everyone focuses on the downswing thinking that the backswing does not matter. While ultimately consistent contact with the golf ball is the ultimate goal, a solid backswing will help you accomplish that. Here are two golf backswing tips that you can start using today to improve your golf game and shave strokes off of your scores.

1. First and foremost with regards to the backswing you need to realize why it is important. Good tempo in the backswing takes care of many issues that can occur causing you to hit the ball offline or inconsistently. What you want to do is focus your efforts on a smooth backswing that feels natural with no jerking motions. A “low and slow” mentality when taking the club back will really help improve your golf swing.

2. Secondly most golfers make the mistake of taking the club to far the the inside, which results in a dreaded snap hook or a big slice. This move is what kills most golf swings, and to avoid doing this you are going to give you one of the best golf backswing tips you have ever gotten. Focus you on taking the club outside of your hands, so that when the club is hip high it will not be to far to the inside. It should be slightly outside your hands or even with them, and this single move will improve your balance and help you hit better golf shots.

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