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Foto del escritorE2Marino

Feeling confident

Many amateurs make the mistake of simply turning up and teeing off and then wonder why they start off so badly. So plan your round properly and youll benefit accordingly. Your aim is to be relaxed and warmed up by the time you get to the first tee so whenever possible follow this routine. Get to the course as early as you can. Begin on the putting green as this will help you get an idea of the speed of the greens on the course and also warm you up in a low impact manner. For the first five or so minutes putt to a coin or a tee peg from 20—40 feet.

Why not putt into a hole?

By getting the feel of the green and putting to a small object it will psychologically make the hole seem much bigger when you hit the course. This will build your confidence and half the battle in successful putting is feeling confident. Finish off by hitting 20 or so six inch up hill putts. This again will imprint on your mind the image of the ball going in to the hole consistently.

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