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Extra knee flex

You need to create leverage for a more powerful swing.

Squatting will help create more leverage and lengthen your swing path for more power and speed.

Be sure to keep level and maintain your knee flex that you formed at address as you take your backswing. When you reach the top of your swing, your upper body should drop down as you shift your weight onto the inner part of your back leg and heel. Your back hip should rotate fully away from the target to help build up power to use during your downswing. Squat as you begin your downswing, your forward leg and arm should straighten, and cup at the left wrist. You will need to swing with your torso and legs instead of your hands due to an enhanced knee flex as your body drops during your squat. This is a difficult maneuver to perform and if you do not initiate a proper squat position at the top of your backswing, then you will naturally lift your body up to correct the swing, resulting in poor contact. So be certain to practice this swing before attempting it on the course.

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