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Foto del escritorE2Marino

Eliminate the big slice

GOLFERS SLICE THE BALL when one of two things happens: They have an open clubface or they swing the club on a path that travels from outside the target line to inside it. (In other words, they cut across the ball, just as tennis players do when they hit a cut shot.) The easiest of these two “faults” to fix is your clubface position. Since most slicers lose the extension in their forward arm (and create the dreaded postimpact “chicken wing” shown in photo below), make sure your forearms touch each other in the followthrough (photo at left). Doing this closes your clubface through the impact area and minimizes side spin on the ball. Once you’ve exaggerated your release a few times, your arms should be ready to release in the right way—not quite touching, but certainly not in a chicken wing!



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