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Foto del escritorE2Marino

Don’t overdo the tilt

This address problem only gets worse during the swing

Every golf swing hinges on the setup. Make a mistake there, and the problems that follow in the swing are hard to fix before impact.

One common problem comes with the driver. Players who want to launch the ball high off the tee—or are using a driver without enough loft—tend to tilt their shoulders so that the right one is significantly lower than the left. From there, it’s easy to take the club back too low and under the correct swing plane, which moves the bottom of the swing arc too far behind the ball.

A good setup will work with every club in the bag. Your back shoulder should be lower than your front shoulder, but only by the amount that your bottom hand is lower than your top hand on the grip. The triangle formed by your hands, arms and shoulders should be centered in front of your body and aimed at the ball—not shoved toward the target.

Do it correctly, and it helps everything from alignment to swing plane.

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