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Chip Shot Basics

Let’s discuss the basic elements of the chip shot. This is a shot which is used when you are just a few feet off of the green. You want to land the ball on the green as quickly as possible and have it roll the entire distance to the hole. Let’s show you how to do it.

1) Start with a stance that is relatively narrow;

2) Weight is on your forward leg;

3) Knees slightly flexed, angling toward the hole. This is to prevent too much movement in the body, keep your hands ahead of the clubface. You can see this at my address position, the way the shaft is angled forward. Your hands remain in this position throughout the entire shot;

4) The shot is relatively short and crisp, take the club back, it’s going to come up a little bit going back and then hit the ball not the grass first, and

5) Then keep the clubface very low after impact. This sense is going to give you a lot of control. Let’s see if we can execute this now: Weight on the left side, hands ahead, knees flexed. Let’s not choke down too much on the grip because we want to make sure we feel the shaft. Golf is a game of feel. So now nice and smooth, but very crisp. See, if you follow all of my advice, you’ll end up with shots like that and take many strokes off your game.

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