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Add touch to your chip-putts

How to Use a Hybrid as a Chipping Club


Play the ball under your right eye.

Narrow your stance (heels just inside your shoulders) and set your weight slightly forward.

Sole your club on the ground and set the face square to your target line.


Swing the triangle formed by your arms and shoulders in a pendulum motion.

Add a little wrist motion to increase your feel for the shot.

Keep your lower body quiet.


Unhinge your wrists—put back what you took out.

Accelerate! Don’t hit at the ball, just simply let it get in the way.

Add just a touch of forward knee movement. FREE YOURSELF

A hybrid isn’t a putter, so don’t swing it like one. Golfers guilty of this mistake end up locking their arms and making jabs instead of smooth moves through the ball. Make a more fluid stroke by adding some wrist hinge to your backswing and lower-body motion to your through-swing.

Try this drill: Grip the club with your left hand hanging an inch over the butt end of the handle and make mock chip swings. Feel how it frees up your wrists and gives your swing a more natural feeling.

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