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A master of the sand

Still not making respectable exits from sandtraps?  you can fix this problem in fairly short order by practicing at home in your own backyard for about 30 minutes each week. All you need is sand, your sandwedge, and knowledge of the right technique to use in hitting the ball out of the sand to the spot where you want it to go.

Put a pile of sand on a flat surface (you might want to use a cookie sheet for this), and enough sand to bury your clubface into. Place a ball into the sand and fire away. The ball should be far forward in your stance, just as it should be when you’re in a sandtrap on a golf course. Keep your clubface open and swing through the ball aggressively to get the needed backspin.

Set yourself a target, the place where you want the ball to land. Keep practicing the shot until you achieve your goal.

This is a good drill for you to use in becoming a Master of the Sand.

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