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Marino's Golf

One move to more power
One of golf’s oldest clichés is “maintain your posture.” Here’s an image: Pretend there’s a banana lying lengthwise under your front...
21 dic 20111 Min. de lectura
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Don’t get stuck: sweeping uphill
When playing a course with elevated greens, you’ll frequently find yourself chipping from an upslope to save par. But a normal chipping...
19 dic 20101 Min. de lectura
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4 keys for consisten iron shot
Consistent iron play is all about controlling distance, trajectory and spin. Here are four keys to help you reach a higher level with...
19 dic 20101 Min. de lectura
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Learn to STOP that Slice
How can I stop slicing the golf ball? We get this question asked virtually everyday! What this means is you can be perfectly on plane...
7 oct 20101 Min. de lectura
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The right arm’s role in the backswing
David Leadbetter demonstrates the right arm's role in the the backswing... The right arm’s role in the backswing is under-rated and often...
7 sept 20101 Min. de lectura
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Remain solid over putts
Left is right: as you follow through, feel as if you're making a left-hander's backswing. This thought will keep your upper body steady....
7 sept 20101 Min. de lectura
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Hover To Beat Tension
The best way to ensure a smooth start Another simple way to stay loose over the ball is to hover the clubhead just off the ground (above,...
15 ago 20101 Min. de lectura
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The Easy Way To Hit Fades And Draws
Shape shots with the tilt of your shoulders If you want to play a fade, your right shoulder should work down and under. Think of your...
15 ago 20101 Min. de lectura
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