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Marino's Golf
21 dic 20111 Min. de lectura
One move to more power
One of golf’s oldest clichés is “maintain your posture.” Here’s an image: Pretend there’s a banana lying lengthwise under your front...
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19 dic 20101 Min. de lectura
Don’t get stuck: sweeping uphill
When playing a course with elevated greens, you’ll frequently find yourself chipping from an upslope to save par. But a normal chipping...
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19 dic 20101 Min. de lectura
4 keys for consisten iron shot
Consistent iron play is all about controlling distance, trajectory and spin. Here are four keys to help you reach a higher level with...
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7 oct 20101 Min. de lectura
Learn to STOP that Slice
How can I stop slicing the golf ball? We get this question asked virtually everyday! What this means is you can be perfectly on plane...
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7 sept 20101 Min. de lectura
The right arm’s role in the backswing
David Leadbetter demonstrates the right arm's role in the the backswing... The right arm’s role in the backswing is under-rated and often...
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7 sept 20101 Min. de lectura
Remain solid over putts
Left is right: as you follow through, feel as if you're making a left-hander's backswing. This thought will keep your upper body steady....
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15 ago 20101 Min. de lectura
Hover To Beat Tension
The best way to ensure a smooth start Another simple way to stay loose over the ball is to hover the clubhead just off the ground (above,...
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14 ago 20101 Min. de lectura
The Easy Way To Hit Fades And Draws
Shape shots with the tilt of your shoulders If you want to play a fade, your right shoulder should work down and under. Think of your...
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