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Foto del escritorE2Marino

Hover To Beat Tension

The best way to ensure a smooth start

Tension at address, especially in the arms and shoulders, can kill a golf swing before it gets going. If you’re not relaxed standing over the ball, you leave yourself susceptible to a host of problems. Look at all the great players as they set up: They stay in continuous motion all the way up to the start of the swing — looking at the target, waggling the club, shifting their feet. All meant to relieve tension.

Another simple way to stay loose over the ball is to hover the clubhead just off the ground (above, right). Hovering the club promotes a free-flowing movement away from the ball and sets the stage for a smooth, rhythmic backswing. In many instances, when players rest the clubhead on the ground for any length of time, they freeze over the ball, which encourages muscle tension to creep in.

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