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Foto del escritorE2Marino


The three of us put our minds together to really determine the most important aspect of sinking a clutch putt. A soft grip and a smooth stroke back and through matter.

But kept coming back to as the key to holing a crucial putt is a steady head. Any excessive head movement can cause you to roll the ball on a different line than you intended, or alter the face so it’s no longer square to that line.

You’re anxious to see where the ball’s going, and it’s hard not to track the movement of the putter or ball with your eyes. But to make sure you give yourself the very best chance of making one, you’ve got to check your head. Keep it as still as possible.

Just remember not to tense up simply because you’ve got this feeling of being in lockdown with your noggin. In fact, when you stand over the putt, don’t make a stroke until you feel your shoulders and jaw bone relax. When the tension is gone, hit the putt and don’t look up for at least a full second.

You don’t need to see it go in. It’s way more illin’ to hear the ball rattle around as you stare at your opponent.

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