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Marino's Golf
8 dic 20103 Min. de lectura
From 150 yards out
Knock it stiff on your approach shots—no matter what the lie. Here’s the good news: You’ve just hit your drive to within 150 yards of the...
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7 dic 20103 Min. de lectura
Five super golf swing drills
A solid, consistent golf swing is accomplished with practice and repetition. This practice comes in the form of hitting balls at a...
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6 dic 20101 Min. de lectura
Master the flop shot
Playing the flop shot successfully is a great way to get under your opponent’s skin! They might think you’re out of the hole after...
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6 dic 20101 Min. de lectura
Tee shot strategy
The goal in matchplay is to be aggressive, but not overly so. The correct strategy can change from one hole to the next, depending on...
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6 dic 20102 Min. de lectura
How to spin a shot in golf step
If you have watched golf tournaments in person or on television, you’ve seen the pros hit amazing wedge shots from 100 yards and in. It’s...
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6 dic 20101 Min. de lectura
Play it up more than you think
Most amateurs don’t adjust enough in sand Focus on setup: For bunker shots, lay the face open and play the ball off your left heel. The...
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1 dic 20101 Min. de lectura
Hybrid basics
Learn how to hit your utility club BALL Position: Use your 3- or 4-iron as a guide SETUP Hybrid Iron Or Wood? PLANE DON’T LIFT AT IMPACT...
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1 dic 20101 Min. de lectura
Understanding sand
How the club, balls and sand should interact.
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30 nov 20101 Min. de lectura
Score from the sand
OUTSIDE-IN Watch It! One of the best ways to make a full swing, inside a bunker or out, is to allow the head to rotate through the shot....
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30 nov 20101 Min. de lectura
Set up for impact
THE SETUP AND IMPACT POSITIONS may look similar, but they’re actually quite different. At setup, the body should look poised to make a...
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30 nov 20101 Min. de lectura
Use speed, no muscle to reach the target
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30 nov 20102 Min. de lectura
Eliminate the Backswing Dip
We teach a fairly horizontal swing plane in comparison to most. Even though there are major benefits to this version of the golf swing...
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30 nov 20101 Min. de lectura
Getting your hands through the ball at impact
Try to get into the impact position, like you are about to make solid contact with the ball. Now flip your trailing wrist like you were...
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30 nov 20101 Min. de lectura
Packed Sand
Allow the club to dig in a little to get the ball out. Use a delofted club, such as a pitching wedge or a 9 iron. Set the ball two inches...
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28 nov 20101 Min. de lectura
Why is the ball cap?
One is that the body is too steep The way to correct this is to lay a little more the stance to create a more upright swing plane, and...
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28 nov 20101 Min. de lectura
Add touch to your chip-putts
Setup Backswing Through-swing
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