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Marino's Golf
25 jul 20151 Min. de lectura
Tighten your turn
LEFT: When your body stops turning, your arms should stop swinging. RIGHT: Turn your hips on the downswing, and let your upper body...
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25 jul 20151 Min. de lectura
Find your swing plane
Every golfer has an ideal swing plane. To find your perfect plane, swing your driver off the ground, like a baseball bat. You’ll feel the...
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25 jul 20151 Min. de lectura
Adjust your shoulder tilt
Your back shoulder should be lower than your front shoulder, but only by the amount that your bottom hand is lower than your top hand on...
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5 dic 20141 Min. de lectura
Backhand the target
If you get to impact and the back of your lead hand is aimed at your target (assuming a neutral grip), your ball will start out in that...
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11 sept 20141 Min. de lectura
Learn to compress the ball
If the back of your hand is facing the target at impact, that’s where the ball will go. Good players also keep the wrist flat into...
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