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Marino's Golf
12 jul 20181 Min. de lectura
Every good short game starts here
That’s the first fundamental of the short game, and whether those players know it or not, learning to strike the ball consistently set...
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24 oct 20171 Min. de lectura
Chips from the rough
Continue to practice using these drills and your game will dramatically improve.
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13 nov 20141 Min. de lectura
One move to crisp chips
The goal is ball-first contact, but the move delofts the club too much. Instead, think about your spine leaning away from the target as...
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26 sept 20131 Min. de lectura
Chipping with touch
Playing the ball back often causes you to lean away from the target. This shifts your weight back, even though you feel as if it’s on...
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16 ene 20131 Min. de lectura
Chipping with less spin
To lower the trajectory of the ball, and put less back spin on it, the player closes the face of the club, or makes it steeper. This is...
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16 ene 20131 Min. de lectura
Chipping with more spin
With more spin on the ball, the player can stop the ball where it lands, or aim past the hole, and allow the ball to back up toward it...
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