Twisting, turning, and rotating your body are important parts of your golf swing … however, so are your hands! Although, many Golfers have been taught to avoid using their hands when swinging
Yet, that would be shortsighted golf instruction since the golf ball flies in the direction your hands point the clubface at impact.

Plus, your hands can provide that last blast of power to propel the golf ball a little farther. So taking your hands out of your golf swing can be disastrous for most Golfers trying to break 90 or 100!
!Are you using your hands when swinging the golf club? Or have you been directed to take your hands out of the golf swinHowever, the hands need to do a lot more than simply hold the club during the golf swing.
One hand, in particular, is responsible for controlling the clubface. The other manipulates shaft angle and the release over the ball. Curious to see how it works? Read on and you'll see, once and for all, how the hands are supposed to function in the golf swing.If you hook or slice the ball, it's probably because the wrong hand is trying to control the clubface.
Control the clubface
The left hand (the right for southpaws), is responsible for the rotational movement of the golf club, which, in turn, controls the direction of the clubface. To really get a feel for this, grab a club with your left hand and practice rotating your hand so the clubface opens and closes.
Why the left hand? Simply put, the left hand rotates more naturally from closed to open than it does from open to closed (which is what the right hand has to do). Putting the left hand in charge of this motion makes it easier and also takes a lot of stress off the right hand in the process.
When it comes to actually playing golf, if you have trouble with slicing or hooking the ball, don't try to muscle your swing with your right hand. Instead, remember the left is in charge of clubface rotation