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How to play a desert golf course

Some of the best golf courses in the US are smack dab in the middle of deserts. For many of us, these are great vacation spots, but we often find difficulty playing on such dry, arid courses.

Being fit is something that will help you handle any situation much better, and How to Break 80 will get you in proper shape to take the edge off in the desert:

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of desert golf course play.

Planning to play your first round on a desert course? Be prepared because many of these courses do not allow metal spikes to worn. If your golf shoes have metal spikes, you call ahead to see if you can wear them on the course you intend to play.

Some desert courses have what is known as the “desert rule”. This rule keeps players from wandering off into the natural desert, which can be risky on many levels. In general, the desert rule is played the same as a water hazard rule would be played elsewhere. Player takes a one stroke penalty and will drop the ball within 2 club lengths of the entry point.

Most golf courses that are located in or right next to a desert environment do not allow players to drive in to the desert itself. This is to protect both the golfer and the desert.

Playing a desert course may mean running into some exotic and sometimes dangerous creatures. If you have to go looking for a ball in the rocks or bushes, use a club to search for it. Never use your hand since you can’t know what animal or insect is taking a nap in there.

Desert golf courses can get very hot during the day. They may break the 100-degree mark! You will need to have plenty of water with you as well as a good sunscreen. Itis always best to play with someone else in case of an emergency.

Remember that being golf fit can also help take the edge off in conditions such as these.

If you begin to feel faint or your vision begins to blur, seek help quickly, and get out of the heat. This could be the beginning of heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

You may notice, depending on the course you are playing, that your ball seems to go farther in this climate. Dry air offers little resistance (drag) to golf balls, and they can travel a bit farther if hit properly.

This type of climate can also cause the ball to roll farther once it lands on the fairway. All of this may require you to make a few adjustments with your club selection. Long shots are great unless they happen to fly over your target!

A good tip to remember when playing a desert course is that balls tend to break toward water. Many desert courses have man-made lakes and ponds on them, and your ball may break toward them once you get on the green.

On the other hand, many desert courses are located near mountain ranges, and balls may tend to break away from those. Use these two tips to sink more putts.

Desert courses often contain some very unique features, many of which involve sand. For this reason, you may want to consider changing up your clubs a bit. Carrying a couple of wedges (the sand wedge and the lob wedge, for example) is often a very good idea as these lofted clubs come in handy.

All in all, playing a desert golf course can be challenging and fun if you are prepared for the adventure. If you are not sure about a course’s dress requirements or another issue, contact them before you begin your journey.

It is better to know what to expect than to be surprised and not allowed to play.

Remember that being golf fit can also help take the edge off in conditions such as these.

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