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EXCUSES! Even the pros use them

Isn’t it funny that a golf professional never seems to hit a bad putt? Instead they seem to always tap down a ball mark or cleat mark after they miss a putt. I’m sure after having seen bent grass greens late in the day that there sometimes may be cleat marks, but most of the time there is nothing there. It just gives them a good excuse. There are amateurs who are quick to place the blame for a bad shot on something else or someone else rather than taking the blame themselves. While some may be plausible, most are not. You’ve probably heard a few yourself, but here is a list of the ones

Having trouble on the greens? Try one of these: “I’ve never seen the cup cut here before. The superintendent must have been drinking last night.” “It’s hard to figure out how the ball is going to break on greens this bumpy.”

Trouble getting out of the sand? Try this: “That sand is just too soft (or hard)”

If you come up short or long, try one of these: “I was in between clubs.” “The wind quit (or started) blowing as soon as I hit the ball.” “The ball must have hit a sprinker head.”

Depending upon the weather conditions, you can always say: “It’s just too cold (or hot)” “I’m just not a wet weather player.”

There’s also these tied to the physical or mental state you are in that day: “My nerves are just so bad after I quit smoking.” “My back (knee, ankle or whatever) is really killing me today.” “I haven’t had much time to practice lately.” “I just got a lesson and that professional really messed me up.” “I knew I shouldn’t have used those new golf clubs today.” “I guess I stayed up partying too long last night.”

Of course, it’s easy to blame one of the other players in your group, too: “Can you stop talking when I’m hitting my shot.” “Why did you stand right behind me on the tee?” “Why did you step on the line of my putt?” "Can you quit jiggling those coins?"

Some of these excuses may be legit. Right? So feel free to use any of them if you wish the next time you hit a bad shot.

The author of this post is James McAfee in exegolf

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