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Foto del escritorE2Marino

Approach shots

When it comes to hitting greens down the stretch, nothing is more important than distance control. Think about it. Even a shot that’s 20 yards off line might still be on the green if you hit it pin high. That’s why you should really focus on solid contact when hitting your irons in the clutch.

Here is a simple tip that will cure a common negative tendency with your irons. When you get into your address position, focus on the front of the golf ball—the sliver closest to your target. Then, when you swing, stay focused on hitting that part of the ball.

This will help delay the release of the club, so you make ball-first contact with a delofted clubface. That gets the iron to continue moving downward even after the ball is struck. You’ll compress it.

A sure sign you’re hitting your iron shots powerfully is the look and feel of the clubshaft at impact. It should be leaning toward your target like I’m demonstrating.  Note how the left eye really looks like it’s fixated on that front edge of the golf ball. That also will help get your mind off the weight of the moment.

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