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Marino's Golf
12 ago 20171 Min. de lectura
Drive it lower in crosswinds
What to do when wind is zipping across the fairway There are only two scenarios where it makes good sense to hit your driver lower than...
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26 dic 20131 Min. de lectura
Beat the buried lie
SHORT SHOTS: Weaken your grip, open the face about 30 degrees, position the ball forward of center with your weight on the left foot and...
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6 dic 20131 Min. de lectura
How to play a trouble shot
Pick the club that will let you carry the hazard comfortably, and play a shot you hit consistently under normal conditions. Knowing the...
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8 nov 20131 Min. de lectura
How to get more tap-ins
You don’t care if the putt finishes long, short, left or right. Get it inside three feet, and you’ll probably make the next one.
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19 sept 20131 Min. de lectura
A crucial ball-striking tip
Step 1: Stand tall, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Your weight should be balanced on the balls of your feet, your toes turned out...
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6 abr 20131 Min. de lectura
Master fairway-bunker shots
You have to hit the ball on the downswing and not take any sand before the ball. To make sure you have a downward attack, put a little...
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3 feb 20131 Min. de lectura
Make a proper shoulder turn
Many golfers who don’t understand how their shoulders should turn with their bodies. Your shoulder line is perpendicular to your spine...
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12 sept 20121 Min. de lectura
3 keys to beat the wind
For a middle iron, start by moving the ball back of center, making sure you keep the face square. you also stand an inch closer to the...
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