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Marino's Golf
14 nov 20171 Min. de lectura
Hit the gas to improve pitching accuracy
Think miles per hour from inside 100 yards The most common way golfers are told to regulate distance on pitch shots is to vary the length...
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14 nov 20172 Min. de lectura
Uneven lies and how to beat them
A large percentage of shots during a round of golf will not be from a perfect, level lie like you practice on the range. Understanding...
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30 oct 20171 Min. de lectura
Short game
Clutch short-game players are the envy of us all. One of the most obvious things you’ll notice when they hit these shots is they swing...
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30 oct 20171 Min. de lectura
Tee shots
You’re facing the most important drive of the round—or maybe your life—and you gotta find the fairway. What do you do? Here’s what you...
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19 oct 20171 Min. de lectura
Swing shorter for more yards
Today’s longest hitters tend to swing the club past parallel at the top of the backswing. But that doesn’t mean it’s the best technique...
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18 oct 20172 Min. de lectura
A key to good golf: Swing in rhythm
Improve your tempo from tee to green Whether it’s a drive off the first, a crucial putt at the last, or some other stroke in between,...
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13 sept 20172 Min. de lectura
Release the club for great golf
In the immortal words of the great cabaret singer Engelbert Humperdinck, “Please Release Me Let Me Go. The release, as it is commonly...
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9 sept 20171 Min. de lectura
How to pitch it closer and attack every pin
You play well, but you want to shave those last few strokes off your handicap. Pitching it closer is a guaranteed way to save shots every...
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9 sept 20171 Min. de lectura
For consistent ballstriking, use an magazine
You may suffer from a poor setup. To fix this, take an issue of magazine and lay it on the ground, with the front and back covers face...
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22 ago 20171 Min. de lectura
Fat-proof pitching: Stop duffing the short shots
There’s something about shots from 30 to 60 yards that give a lot of golfers fits. The biggest problem is making a backswing that’s too...
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22 ago 20171 Min. de lectura
Stop blading shots
Put your game on your shoulders It’s probably your shoulders. Shoulder tilt is the inclination in relationship to the ground. Looking at...
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22 ago 20171 Min. de lectura
Pitching to a short-sided pin
Zip through the grass with an open face You still need your hands involved with a feel shot like this, but you want them synced with the...
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12 ago 20171 Min. de lectura
Trigger Your Touch
How to control distance with two fingers Initiate movement using your right thumb and forefinger. As you start back, squeeze the grip...
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12 ago 20171 Min. de lectura
Drive it lower in crosswinds
What to do when wind is zipping across the fairway There are only two scenarios where it makes good sense to hit your driver lower than...
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11 jul 20171 Min. de lectura
Fix your slice
Fault: Slicing, caused by pulling the club across the line Fix: Raise your lead heel as you deliver the club While any number of things...
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9 jun 20171 Min. de lectura
How to spin your wedges
Crisp contact, not a big divot, creates backspin Spin basics: To make your shot check up, swing on a steeper path, and keep your hands...
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9 jun 20172 Min. de lectura
Backspin your pitch shots like a Pro
Well, as you read this article you’re going to learn how to do that. First a cautionary point. If you’re not getting your pitch shots up...
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22 abr 20171 Min. de lectura
Look up, not down, to hit it high
Take your normal setup, with the ball slightly ahead of center in your stance, then lift your head and pick out a cloud or other spot...
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8 feb 20172 Min. de lectura
Take control of your tee shots
1. Visualize it It doesn’t matter whether you’re hitting your driver on a long par 5 or hitting your 9-iron on a short par 3. Wherever...
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4 feb 20172 Min. de lectura
Fix your slice
Fixing your slice is cause for celebration—it means less frustration, more fairways hit, and lower scores. Of course, banana balls have...
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